About Zorrz

Using AI and alternative data, London-based fintech Zorrz specializes in secured credit products that provide fair and inclusive financing options to underserved consumer groups. Their flagship credit card BlueAccess Card, set to launch in late 2023, is explicitly designed to financially empower immigrants, students, and other individuals with past credit challenges.

Sileon’s flexible BNPL SaaS support Zorrz’s mission to democratize access to credit in the UK and EU

Zorrz provides secure cards to underserved consumers in need of building a credit score, whether they are in need of a healthy credit footprint to get future credit loans or want to restore an adverse credit history. Approval is a guarantee, with the only prerequisite of passing KYC and AML checks. As nearly 3 million new immigrants enter the UK and EU annually, the demand for accessible and straightforward credit is immense, allowing Zorrz to target an untapped market with no direct competitors.

In search of secured BNPL APIs to extend the credit product portfolio further and reach a broader consumer segment, Zorrz found the ideal BNPL SaaS solution with Sileon. By partnering with Sileon, Zorrz is able to broaden its card offering to include flexible BNPL options, giving consumers even more financial empowerment as it allows them to split card purchases into manageable instalments, either at transaction or post-purchase.

Sileon’s high-end BNPL SaaS Platform integrates swiftly with Zorrz’s multilingual virtual card app through two powerful APIs, supporting Zorrz’s mission to make credit and BNPL more accessible. With Sileon’s flexible and scalable BNPL SaaS Platform in place, Zorrz can leverage the growing demand for BNPL options and create BNPL products specifically for their intended target group.

Sileon and Zorrz collaboration

“When scouting the market for secure BNPL APIs to fit our card offering, Sileon became the obvious choice.

Their card-based BNPL SaaS functionality is scalable and flexible, making it the ideal solution for us to integrate into our credit product. It enables us to reach a broader consumer segment and aligns with our mission to democratize access to credit.”

Priyesh Mistry
Director at Zorrz Finance UK

Who we serve

Sileon’s customers consist of banks, card issuers and other fintechs. Find out how they leverage Sileon’s SaaS technology to meet end users growing demand for flexible BNPL.